Materials developed by Gradient Institute, independently or in collaboration with partners, to advance our mission.
Gradient Institute has provided content and resources to support businesses, government and not-for-profits in their safe and responsible development and use of AI. Below, you'll find a selection of these resources.
Uplifting Responsible AI Capability in Australian Not-for-Profits
We created a series of training programs and advisory documents as part of our grant with Google.org.
Voluntary AI Safety Standards
The Voluntary AI Safety Standard helps organisations develop and deploy AI systems in Australia safely and reliably.
Educational Videos
Educational videos developed in partnership with other organisations.
Implementing Australia's AI Ethics Principles
Development of this report was co-branded with CSIRO and released by the National AI Centre. Federal Minister of Industry and Science Ed Husic was quoted in The Australian as saying “All businesses must read this report.”'
Minderoo Risk Report
In collaboration with Minderoo Foundation, we released a report on de-risking automated decisions, which includes practical guidance for AI governance and AI risk management.
Australian Human Rights Commission
We worked with the Australian Human Rights Commission and others to identify some of the causes of algorithmic bias and examine ways of reducing or mitigating it.
To discuss your specific needs or challenges, inquire about training or other collaborations, please don't hesitate to contact us.