Advisory / Consulting
Engineering ethics into AI systems and governance
Gradient Institute works with clients to design responsible AI methodologies and policy, leveraging the knowledge and benefits of our ongoing research and development programs. Our fields of work have included banking, insurance, education, health, retail and social and government services, and we have worked with clients around the world.

System and governance design
Our designs for AI systems and the processes that govern them:

adopt a comprehensive scope, encompassing the models, actions and interfaces that affect people

scale to risk to accommodate the wide diversity of AI systems today

operationalise your organisation's intent and values

establish accountability by deliniating ownership for different aspects of a system's operation through its lifecycle

integrate across organisational boundaries and with existing governance

enable scrutiny, both internally and externally, to uncover design blind spots.

Development of the report Implementing Australia’s AI Ethics Principles: A selection of Responsible AI practices and resources which was co-branded with CSIRO and released by the National AI Centre (2023). Federal Minister of Industry and Science Ed Husic was quoted in The Australian as saying “All businesses must read this report.”

Co-development of the AI Policy and Processes of a major Australian bank

Provision of responsible AI technical expertise towards improvements in AI system design and governance for a major online recruitment marketplace

Co-development of the NSW Government AI Assurance Framework as member of the NSW Government AI Review Committee (mandatory for all NSW government AI services)(2022)

Co-development of the Monetary Authority of Singaporeʼs Responsible AI - Fairness Principles Assessment Methodology (which is now recommended as the AI assessment methodology for the Singapore finance industry)

Co-development of the Australian Governmentʼs AI Ethics Principles (as one of the ten organisations, along with Telstra, Westpac, CBA, Microsoft and others, selected to participate based on submissions on the draft principles)

Development of the responsible AI assessment methodology and governance for a major bank in the Philippines

Participation in the OECD Network of Experts on AI and contribution to their guidelines for responsible AI (as the only Australian technical representative on this group)

Submission to the Australian Department of Industry, Science and Resources in response to their discussion paper “Safe and Responsible AI in Australia” with Gradient’s views on AI regulation for Australia.

Submission to the Australian Senate Economics References Committee in response to the inquiry into the influence of international digital platforms on the topic of “whether algorithms used by such international digital platforms lack transparency, manipulate users and user responses, and contribute to greater concentrations of market power and how regulating this behaviour could lead to better outcomes in the public interest” (2023)

Submission to the Australian Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet in response to the Digital Technology Taskforce Issues Paper: Positioning Australia as a Leader in Digital Economy Regulation - Automated Decision Making and AI Regulation (not publicly available)(2022)

Joint submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission on Human Rights and Technology (2021)

Submission to the Australian Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources on AI Ethics. As a result, Gradient was invited, along with 9 other submitting organisations (most large Australian companies), to help create the final version of the Australian government’s AI Ethics Principles (2019)
To discuss your specific needs or challenges, inquire about training or other collaborations, please don't hesitate to contact us.