Responsible Artificial Intelligence

We are an independent, nonprofit research institute that works to build safety, ethics, accountability and transparency into AI systems: developing new algorithms, training organisations operating AI systems and providing technical guidance for AI policy development.

Latest News

image of source code

Australian Government releases mandatory AI guardrails paper and voluntary AI safety standard

5 September 2024

Portrait of Alberto and Liam

Alberto Chierici and Liam Carroll join Gradient Institute team

27 August 2024

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National framework for the assurance of AI in government

21 June 2024

ai digital image

Bill Simpson-Young presents to Senate committee

10 May 2024

Portrait of BSY

Bill Simpson-Young appointed to AI Expert Group.

14 February 2024

Cartoon of an AI's robot hands pulling the strings of a human mannequin

Investigating Manipulative Applications of Generative AI

8 December 2023

Cadent and Gradient Institute logos side by side on a laptop

Gradient Institute Receives Donation from Cadent for AI Safety Research

9 November 2023

UK AI Safety Summit logo

Gradient Institute policy recommendations for the AI Safety Summit

27 October 2023

Young girl holding phone

Telstra Foundation supports Gradient Institute research towards safer mental health chatbots

16 August 2023

Gavel resting on circuit boards

Submission response to AI regulation discussion paper

1 August 2023

Case Studies


Australian Human Rights Commission

Gradient Institute worked with the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), the Consumer Policy Research Centre, CHOICE and CSIRO’s Data61 to develop a technical paper addressing algorithmic bias.


Monetary Authority of Singapore

Gradient Institute collaboratively developed a methodology, metrics and tools for financial institutions to apply the Monetary Authority of Singapore's principles for responsible AI.


ACT Education Directorate

Gradient Institute collaborated with the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Education Directorate, to apply causal machine learning techniques to investigate drivers of student outcomes at school.



A leading Australian bank engaged Gradient Institute to provide subject matter expertise in the responsible use of AI to aid in the development of their AI policy, processes and practices.


Online marketplace

Gradient Institute engaged with a leading online marketplace to enhance their organisation's systems, practices and governance.



La Trobe University, City Campus, Melbourne

Workshop at Australia's AI Leadership Summit


Sydney Knowledge Hub, The University of Sydney

Australian AI Safety Forum 2024

Who we've worked with (selection)

ACT Education Australian Human Rights Commission Consumer Policy Research Centre Australian Government Department of Industry, Science and Resources Komply AI Monetary Authority of Singapore Minderoo Foundation National Artificial Intelligence Centre NSW Department of Customer Service Digital NSW NSW Ombudsman Reserve Bank of Australia Seek Telstra Telstra Foundation UnionBank of the Philippines


Gradient Institute is enabled by the vision of:

IAG University of Sydney CSIRO's Data61

We work to pursue our vision in partnership and collaboration with:

HMI Ambiata The Ethics Centre